Substantiv (noun); [die] Aktie, Aktien (plural)
Eine Besitzurkunde über den Anteil am Kapital eines Unternehmens, welches (i.d.R) an der Börse geführt wird.
Englisch: share, stock; shares, stocks (plural)
Shares are units of equity ownership interest in a corporation that exists as a financial asset that provide for an equal distribution in any residual profits, if any are declared, in the form of dividends. … As a result,
A share is a unit of ownership which represents an equal proportion of a company’s capital. A share entitles the shareholders to an equal claim on profit and losses of the company. There are majorly two kinds of shares i.e. equity shares and preference shares.
“shares” and “stock” are commonly used interchangeably.
to hold shares of a company.
to buy stocks of several companies.
to take a look at the index before buying the stocks.
Equity shares (Anteilsaktie) are long-term financing sources for any company. These shares are issued to the general public and are non-redeemable in nature. Investors in such shares hold the right to vote, share profits and claim assets of a company.
Preference shares (Vorzugsaktie) are shares which are preferred over equity shares in payment of dividend, the preference shareholders are the first to get dividends if the company decides to distribute or pay dividends.